Interview Lindsay Casinelli Host of República Deportiva


In Episode 8 of “talking with the stars” brought to you by Sportswinmore’s journalist Mike Rodriguez. @mikerodriguez talk to Venezuelan journalist @lindsaycasinelli Host of @unvisions Republica-Deportiva about her career as a sports analyst. Lindsay talks about the challenges as a woman host in the sports world. She gives insight into her relationship with Jose Fernandez before his passing and shares light on the social injustices that are going on in the world today. RIP George Floyd

Episode 8. Lindsay Casinelli @lindsaycasinelli_

 Where are you from?

 "I am from Caracas, Venezuela, but all the ballplayers are from Maracay. I was born and raised In Caracas until the age of 18 I graduated from high school And went to college to learn English."

 How hard is it for a woman to succeed in sports as you do?

 "Believe it or not, a lot of people ask me is it hard or not. It has been easy, it is hard for people to believe it is easy to be a woman, and it is very easy to be the typical stereotype to take care of kids and be a stay at home mom. If you ask me to do this interview I have no problem- if you ask me to clean a kitchen I have no issue. Anything that a man can do a woman can do."

 How was your life growing up in the United States?

" I came to the United States with an old boyfriend and I did not have any family members once I arrived. One reason why I love this country is the culture in the United States in which you can unify with anyone from South America and make friends with Dominicans, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans so you fall in love with every culture and you see the world in a different light with more compassion. A person in the states will finally realize that every one life is different and you build tolerance that there is not one life to live."

How did you get into sports?

 "I always love sports as an organic thing that's how I related with my dad. I loved baseball and then coming to the country, basketball was my first love, and then meeting football grabbed my attention. That is when I wanted to become a reporter.  I never dreamed about it, I wanted to be a journalist but never thought of a sports analyst. "

Did you ever have bigger dreams than just being involved in sports?

 "I always wanted to do different jobs, get married, and have kids, but my biggest passion was in writing and then finally found out I can be in communication, and then everything worked out for me. Life takes you on a path in which you don’t know why you just have to trust it. When I worked as a waiter in California to pay for night school, I was serving drinks and then came in Ramon Muncy and then Manny Ramirez, and then the night that I knew I can be close to athletes is when I met Kobe Bryant. I knew these were signs if I keep pushing forward, only great things can come."

What was the hardest thing you have done in the sports world? Something that made you say wow this is possible?

"I think we live in a very surreal time, and I am very privileged that I get to do the job that I do. 10 years ago women were not fortunate to have these jobs and when I finally got the job it was a very special moment for me. Even now, you see retired men athletes take the jobs that I have, but what is very surprising is when I first came into the business, a woman was always the second anchor, and nowadays a woman can lead a network and my bosses gave me motivation and push me to be successful. Univision gave two-woman Adriana and my self a chance to take on television."

 How did you get into Univision?

 "It is not a shortcut story. I was in Telemundo and then I did an interview in a local show in Los Angels. Then I became a journalist but was moved to New York to do a sports show. And then one thing led to another a person from Miami in the network said they recommended me for a show in Miami and things kept pushing towards the show and now I am the host of TUDN. This is why nothing ever happens the way you imagine life give you up & downs, but you can always recall great moments and in which you have to fight to get to were you are now. My boss would always tell me in my early years that I would be able to make it and I would respond well if you think that I am special, why do you not contract me full-time."

 Has there ever been an athlete that you always wanted to interview but couldn't ? or do you recall an interview that you could not forget?

" The day I interviewed Jose Fernandez mom was the day he died in which was very hard for me being a mother who had to overcome the death of their child was probably the hardest. I needed to come up with questions in a way that was still respectful but delicate to ask. I felt like that interview cost me a lot because I remember one day before he passed away I was at his house, and he told me one day I am going to let you interview my mom. As you know, each interview opens the door for another. The day I interviewed Derek Jeter, their Public Relations person, said that he does do any more Spanish interviews. I remember asking him a question, and he responded in Spanish “Surete” which means luck and then my heart dropped, and we had a long talk in Spanish and it was great."

 We are living in a time right now where a cop killed a black man, George Floyd how do you feel about this now in 2020?

 "Well, first and foremost, it is very sad, the process that the United States is taking. Everything not in order there is no excuse for the cop to not let him breathe and speak. After a tragedy with Covid-19, one would think the cops would not be so aggressive being in your house for two months. I do not get it because I have never felt a different color I always feel like everyone is equal. I grew up like that and I would hope everyone in the world feels the way I do. We must ask what if? what if the person who recorded this was not there, his death would be silence and everyone would live their life normally. The police could make up a story that he was invading, not following an order. At that moment the cop knew it was not the first time he has abused his power, he knew what he was doing the force, the pressure he applied, it was very sad how others think. But, one has to remind them self's how many lives have been taking away from police brutality, we were lucky enough that this was recorded. 

 How do you feel about the other three cops?

 "You see what happens, we have learned a big lesson that we can not be silent. If you are looking at another person causing harm and you are quite than you are in accomplice. It is not right to look the other way when the injustice is not on you, it is called abusing your power because you are not speaking if you see something you say something you have to live your life the right way.  I think that this time is caused by extreme measures, no one is going to come out of this winning, everyone is at a loss for the tragedy of the death of George Floyd."

Check out the interview down below

Sports Journalist for SPORTSWINMORE

Mike Rodriguez

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